Catharine’s great-grandson, John McMillan, and her granddaughters, Judith McMillan and Linden Hart, have provided an early family history […]
Catharine Louisa Brookfield (nee Will)
Lynsie Ruth Kerr (nee Kitchen)
This biography is based on an interview with Lynsie and Archie Kerr in July 2021 for the Early […]
Agatha Helen Jane Monfries (nee Adams)
This biography is largely based on entries from Papers Past. Further secondary resources are listed in the bibliography […]
Jessie Clarkson Maddison
This biography has drawn heavily on information from Papers Past, the Otago Medical School Graduates File and the […]
Emma Gertrude Atmore (nee Applegate)
This biography is largely based on family reminisces written by Gertrude’s late son-in-law Dr Richard Bush. Lois and […]
Judith (“Judy”) Moyra de Vernot McCann (nee Faris)
This biography is based on an interview with Alexandra Moira Recordon and Katherine Mary Didsbury (two of Judy […]
Margaret Winn Guthrie CNZM (nee Hoodless, Wray)
This biography is primarily based on the two autobiographies written by Margaret Guthrie: An Enduring Savour and Different […]
Eleanor Southey Baker McLaglan (nee Baker)
This biography is largely based on material from her autobiography “Stethoscope and Saddlebags”. (1) Further secondary resources are […]
Emily Hancock Siedeberg-McKinnon
This biography is based on secondary source material listed in the bibliography. Much of the information in these […]